I've been trouble sleeping lately like i would wake up at the same time every morning like 8a.m. but i would just go to sleep really late like 3 because i had a coffee which is a bad idea lol a caffeine kept me up and i couldn't sleep or thinking about projectssssss.
ahhhh yea.
It's time to the boy i loved, and yep. Everyone knows you don't deserve my attention and they know i attracted to a boy that i don't deserve, but i'm still so grateful for the lessons that you made me learn
I was naive but i was happy. You really gave me the courage to have a voice.
This is an open letter to the one who got away :)
I wanna you to know that it's all good between us, if i saw you again i would hug you again and just to say thank you for walking away
This is good I finally felt comfortable with my own company. I didn't wish anyone else to adapt moment. I wondered what a future without you look like.
It's strange how someone who was once my 'best friend' become a total stranger
Yes and i realised that one thing that could impact of my life wasn't someone else, it was me.
I looked back, it all make sense. It all happened so that i could be here now and this was exactly where i meant to be.
So thank you so much after all for getting away.
You brought me back to the most important person in my life
Two years ago my life was drastically different that it is today Every single things that happen to me has since impact to who i am and where i am now and although i have no regrets and i've realized there is some advice i was never given that i might have found sikit useful.
To that 17 yo-half me :
That big life-changing decision
Life is full with goodbyes still.
But in the next 2 years you're going to meet some of the best people You've ever meet in your life.
I'm not kidding.And yep. You're going to meet some of the worst too.
You'll experience heart break and you might think it is the end of the world, it's not.
He's not worth your emotions. Stop wasting so much time thinking about him.
You'll learned the differences between alone and lonely! It's going to break you and you're going to get through it.
All i really can say is 'thank you' like you're immature little shithead boy but thank you.
You've done probably the most immature and dumbest things to me but you've also been probably one of the best people in my entire life
I can honestly say that i wouldn't be who i am today without you and i wouldn't have the confidence to do the things i wanna to do.
Thank you for never telling me i couldn't. Thank you for make me strong.
Thank you for a lot of things and you were supposed to be my superhero.