2017 will be unbelivable

By 靜涵 ♥ - January 05, 2017

Thankfully that i have survived in this hectic week :) 2016 is also a year that i'll be leaving my 19 behind. Gotta reflect all of the lessons that i learned. (i've been spending some time to think ley )
The big big big things and the most important lessons that i learned from 2k16 is 

Nobody when constantly true success comes from not giving up because of anything failure is a part of success. Its true. Failure is actually an opportunity for me to try and try again for doing more better. Life is a rollercoaster Yeah and i gonna have up and down moment but just use the down moment as my motivation for change. Because i know when im truly in up moment and i can truly appreciate all the hard work that it took to get to that point. It's completely fine to have those down dark moment because 如果没有下雨 就不会开花 is means you won't grow flowers if there without any little rain So just get used to it, embrace it. It pain but i won't die.

Overcome my fear by stop running from it and to face it along. Uhm yup. Just like i said, i kennot have a positive life with a negative attitude. It really doesn't matter how much like blesses me over and over if i've got an ungrateful heart to begin with.
I won't to be happier and I need to be have more positive energy. Doesn't mean that positive attitude will get me out of my problems but it means it can recover me from them quicker, yeah it's like not having the best out of the everything, is like making everything the best out of everything :) Just to enjoy the little moment throughout this rollercoaster of life. 
What i get from last year is i enjoyed the little interaction with people out in public and feels like life is finally like on my side.
I just enjoy all of those because sometimes that's it was really keep me going.

Be conscious on we spend the most time to talking or to be with. Some people will really rub off on me and i rub off on them lol. Some people are fake. I met a lot people and i lost a lot of people in 2016 but i feel like everyone does but a lot of people are only meant to be in life for some reasons so just don't feel stress when they are walked out. Just to make sure that surrounding myself with the most brightest and the best people there, that i truly deserve them.

The law of attraction is real, Passive income is possible.
 I can't please everybody. Its hurt to realize that some friendship aren't true but yea when im strong enough to cut them off or let go of them and at least space for amazing people to let themselves into my life. Its about quality not quantity for most things in life :)
Dream every single day and #dreamit. 

Love is a choice not a feeling :) 
Hmm Its not a feeling of butterflies and sparks. Its better to be single than to feel alone with someone else. 
I don't need people that don't need me.
I don't need to make any effort to follow love because it just happens and it just takes effort to stay and love and choose to stay and love. Fight for what you believe in and stand strong.
Yea in 2017 if i feel a certain way towards someone or something or in whatever situation, stand up and fight for it! *markit Because others are watching. 

I get what i paid for. I can't please everyone in my life. 
Its another 'failure' and sucks.DO NOT please everyone.
Not everyone is going to like me as i know This also one lesson that i learned harshly last year mainly because of my personal life as i meeting new people and i've just discovered not everyone is going to like me, like my personality, like the way i do things and that is completely okie.
The one who don't even like you Don't even matter
Honestly i take it as a compliment when someone takes time out of their shyt life to talk about me because obviously i'm doing something right and i made such an big impact on you and you need to talk about me Uhmm sorry but not sorry. 

A lot of lights in the world. Why would i say so? Yup When the darkness come, when the darkness happened, lights is born at the same time. I feel extremely fortunate to be surrounded by the people i have in my life. From my family to my friends to my team, i've found people that i love and trust. When i just surrounded with them, everything make all the difference. Soooooo best life will try to come to me.
Still I have to fight it off. I had a lot of moments in 2k16 where there these dark thoughts came back to my thought my mind, just telling me things that like i'm not worth it I'm useless all this nonsense things still i had to fight them off. Do not let that bitch called life drag me down.

So yeah Bye.

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