Mini 2024 Year in Review - Obsession | Need | Want

By 靜涵 ♥ - September 08, 2024

I decided to write a post that summarizes my 2024 before it actually ends so I can relive the moments retrospectively. and I believe there is no limit here. For those who know me, I usually don’t set annual goals. Instead, I prefer to add new ones as new ideas come up throughout the year. 🤫

Some nice stuff unplanned initially

An impromptu spring-ish in Osaka with my girlfriend.
As the subtitle suggests, I woke up one day to a food post from my GF, and we spontaneously decided to pack our bags and head to… Osaka! I’m blessed with great friends around me. Oh, how I missed Japan! It felt so good to return, even though I was there just three months ago @seehereformore :p . I’ve visited Japan many times, but it was my first time there with her! The trip turned out to be more of a food adventure and a visit to USJ.

I should've just started our best memories here.

The Hei Men market was a bit disappointing. Maybe it’s different for others, but we tried a variety of foods, and none were particularly good. We ended up having the most expensive oden of my life in the center of Osaka at @「関東煮(おでん)」と「たこ甘露煮」. The daikon radish was good, it'd be perfect if the radish absorb the broth more (I prefer that). 

On a brighter note, we found a shop in an alley in Kyoto. They do serve oden as well. 

ONE OF MY FAV - JAPANESE POTATO SALAD. Look at it featuring fresh vegetables, a creamy texture, and a rounded flavor with  seasoned mayo.

Also, we had the best unagi in town (we had this for like twice a week) and enjoyed some fantastic pastries!! 

For cakes, we visited Afternoon Tea and HARBS. Sushi at Daiki Sushi was also a highlight.

Food in USJ was surprisingly good. Some dishes were mind-blowing, which is rare for theme park food!

… and I have more pics on my IG!

It actually ticked off my list of having an impromptu trip. I felt a bit rushed, but surprisingly, we managed our time efficiently from the moment we touched down, especially with booking a hotel. Really did zero planning here, and didn’t have trouble getting into basically anything

If you think this sounds irresponsible or reckless, you might want to skip this part! Hehe. I am a huge fans of supporting people to go on about their own crazy experiences because you won’t feel like you missed out if you truly want to do something. 

Let’s admit it—everyone feels like they’re missing out at times, and even if we don’t want to, we can’t help but feel a bit jealous of others. I’m envious of those who have the freedom to do whatever they want, and that’s something I’m working on.

Yet I’m drawn to unknown or sketchy situations, yet I get frustrated when things don’t go as planned. It’s a bit confusing, and I’m still figuring it out. Lol. 

An unplanned pre-wedding photoshoot 

We had been planning our pre-wedding photoshoot since 2023, but the venue wasn’t confirmed until recently. Personally, I hadn't found a place that truly captivated me until one day, while scrolling through XHS, I came across mentions of 日照金山 (Rizhao Jingshan) and was instantly hooked. After researching a few travel photoshoot companies, I fell in love with the style of Strange Studio—everything from their makeup to their editing style was exactly what I wanted. They were transparent and responsive about their prices and services. Although their package wasn’t the most economical (the photoshoot alone cost us nearly RM10k, not including flight, accommodation, transportation, food, and other travel expenses), but it was worth it.

You may asked about the proposal...

I got proposed last 2 years in Paris, he listened to me. No friends, no family, just us and strangers. I know what I want, so he didn't get an expensive ring but took me to choose my favourite. What a perfect boy! I’m genuinely surprised (and i'm kinda expected, an eight years relationship isn't fake!) I’m excited, I’m feeling a little nervous, but I saw the seriousness in his eyes, and the way he very carefully expressed himself.

We officially tied the knot earlier this year and decided to go ahead with the pre-wedding photoshoot. We figured we could also make it a fun trip with friends! hahah he knows that the photoshoot was a perfect excuse. 

Since it was an unplanned shoot, we had a gown fitting just one day before. The fitting was exclusive, with a stylist and photographer giving us much-needed advice. We managed to try on all the gowns in about two hours, which I thought was pretty quick. There were many places we never heard of till Strange Studio took us there at Li Jiang, we got 3 locations.

It was tiring. Woke up at 2am, not joking. 
I was barely awake and hubby, who isn’t a morning person, felt even more grouchy. Not saying that the gowns selection and fitting were done on the day before the photo shooting. But it was fun. YES FUN. The photo shooting was surprisingly quick (from 6AM-3PM). Our photographer, Tony, was very efficient and professional. We were so amazed with his skills and some photos don't even need much editing. As the session progressed, both of us got more relaxed. We started to get into the mood for the shoot and our poses and smiles turned out more natural. (AND Kingsley turned out looking better than I am in most of the shots ahaha!)

By the time we drove back to the boutique to return the gowns and suits, it was almost 3pm. You can tell, nearing the end of the shoot, we were almost listless. Exhaustion was written all over our face. I thought that the last set was terrible but IT IS FINE, MORE THAN FINE. Of course, we were definitely famished after the shooting but we rushed to the train station to go to SHANGRI LA, slept all the way to our destination. 

Tiring but a fruitful one. We ended the day with no complains except of tiredness and hunger. haha I can't wait to see and choose the photos.

An overseas working and studying opportunity 

Despite of how I feel, I get what I want, always.

Actually I am a lil bit scared but mostly super excited because that is what I manifested FR, to work in a medical hub and studying at the same time (which related to my long-term goals). I have brainwashed myself for quite long, I WON'T invalidate my fear, because anything can happened, especially my routine before I depart will change but I could learn more than I have now, from time management to communication skill and also my patience level lmao. 

To be honest, after three rounds of interview, I got to the final stage interview and I was so sure i got it. BUT I was not being comfortable enough to accepting the position, and thankfully I have no time to consider also. My boss confirmed and did not give me extra seconds to consider. Documents were submitted as well as my mental preparation. Hope when I get there, there will be such a whirlwind of activity and excitement! Finger crossed. It WILL be. 

A perfect health and strength - Going back to workout after MCO I stopped for months/years I guess.

I finally lifted 75kg (heaviest for now)! Usually my routine would be 65kg x 10 reps for 4 sets for deadlift, squat as well as the hip thrust. When I was mentally ready to go, I broke my own records.

I feel confident in what I wear, my body feel stronger and I do want to lose weights too. 
For this, I put on a lot of weight after I lifted, but 
I am not struggled with my number and body image. I started eating a lot of meats, proteins,  cut sugar out of many things, shuddered at the thought of white rice. Not gonna lie, I binge-ate from time to time, cycling that with eating almost nothing at all the entire day. I eventually would lose a bit of weight, just to regain all of it within a couple months, maximum. I got fed up sometimes, isn't good to do this anyway. 

I knew I needed a plan. So, our personal trainer came to our fitness journey. Dramatic improvement I can see myself throughout the journey, how I broke my record, how I view myself and fit into my favorite outfit.  
Well it’s working, that’s for sure. 

Random thoughts

Sometimes I had the thought of 'How can I stop obsessing over my desire? Does it mean I'm in lack? does thinking X means that?' but now in 2024 I would say 'Yes, you can manifest something you need, want, obsess over. You can want it. You can need it. You can be as obsessed with it as you'd like.'

People tend to complicate this shit so much for literally no reason, either for some weird moral high ground or because maybe they don't understand the law to it's most basic, raw form - but the ONLY thing that can stop you from manifesting is thinking against it . 

If you obsess by constantly repeating affirmations, sats, thoughts of having it, daydreams about it, then by all means obsess away. Think about it 186034788437289 times, live it in your head 24/7, who cares? it makes you happy? it keeps doubts or bad thoughts away? cool! it will still work. Because you're only thinking as if you have it. Nothing else matters (thanks to the manifestation group).

But honestly, the only thing that can really stop you from manifesting what you want is doubting it.

Arguably I'd say it's better to obsess if it makes you keep in check with what's going on in your head other than forcefully try to 'let go' or not think of something out of fear of thinking too much or obsessing ('because what if it implies that i'm in lack!) which will MOST LIKELY will just make you stress unnecessarily about if you're doing it right or not , enough or too much, whatever it is.

Bottom line is; It's OKAY! it's FINE! Obsess over it, need it, want it, build an altar for it. As long as the ONLY (and I mean ONLY) thing that goes in your head - is anything that implies you already have it, it's yours, it's done.

When Things Fall into Place Naturally

Because things seem to happen to me naturally. It's wild. For instance, I didn't plan for my pre-wedding photoshoot or for working overseas. Early this year, Kingsley and I officially signed the papers, booked flights to London and Switzerland for our New Year trip—a tradition we’ve been following for the past three years, flying every CNY.  Everything fell into place early this year, including a chance to visit Bangkok with my parents. While I usually don’t pray, I found myself making wishes while I was there. 

Everything aligned perfectly. It’s like the universe was on my side. We started working with a personal trainer and set a firm goal to achieve a great body figure. I also received an opportunity to work and study overseas. Despite not having planned these events in detail, they unfolded naturally and aligned with my goals of living abroad while working remotely. Fast forward to today, THE SCENE HAPPENED! And IT HAPPENED SO NATURALLY like I finally understood when they said it feels like “it would have happened anyway”. And it feels exactly like that that I even debated whether to post this story or not.

Also, another one of my current wishes happened, a perfect health report received. Many had changed after becoming health-conscious and adopting a nutritious diet. WELL SIMPLY SAID, CUT DOWN THE FREAKING SUGAR!

Everything not to rush it, but to choose a time that feels natural for the desire. I am thinking this is because rushing usually implies a desperation which admits you are NOT in the state of the wish fulfilled. If you were in the right state, then you’d be relaxed and assured the timing will be just perfect.

So if you imagine a time in the near future for your desire to manifest, and it feels real enough in imagination, it feels natural to happen then for you, then you’ve sped it up by preparing the place in advance, and it will occur “on time”.

I’ve linked quite a few lectures and book chapters from Neville that I am referencing on this matter, although there is a lot I didn’t link. These have more info on time, straight from Neville. Hope this is helpful to you.

Disclaimers :p

What I shared here is knowledge based on my experience, observation, 'research', etc. Manifesting works the same, but it isn't one-size-fits-all, we all have different experiences, beliefs (limiting or now), preferred 'methods', etc. If this doesn't sit right with you and you think you know better - good for you, do your thang.

Not everyone gonna agree on every point, and that's okay, but I don't care about it, and not really gonna argue against it, refer to point 1.

Until next time. 

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