
It's okay to not be okay | Inspired Podcast

By 靜涵 ♥ - November 23, 2021

Rough patch, a bad day, a major setback. Sometimes, it seems like one thing goes wrong after another. And another, and another.

Hello real-one beautifuls, I hope everyone is been doing well (i hope, 'everyone'). I haven't really been busy.. I mean I've been busy academically but in terms of real productive work. There has not been too much of that which I personally don't really mind because I know that once school started again gonna be like crazy and hectic so I'm trying to hold on and used the last second that turning my head off and my brain off and not doing much of anything. It is a little bit exhausting, to be honest, to kinda like force myself to not like not doing too much. 


Sometimes an unexpected challenge or an obstacle might come in my way, and I find myself stressing out, worrying and not knowing what to do. And, some days, I just have nothing. Zero motivation, no creativity. All of a sudden, I'm being plagued with self-doubt.

It's really hard for me to kinda differentiate actual balance in my routine and I mentioned this before

I always have such unhealthy lifestyle balance. Am I just a perpetually 'unbalance' person.
Deep topic here once again. Let me share a nice podcast I've listened just recently.

This really plays a big part in my life (well, at this moment) 
Know that my feelings are temporary. Sometimes it does feel like I start to lose control over everything– this is why in my experience, sticking to my regular routine is crucial.
I honestly was so blown away by her talk. With the fact that I allowed those overwhelming feelings to take over. I didn’t meditate, I didn’t get my daily workouts in, I ate crappy food, I didn’t keep up with my gratitude journal- I didn’t do any of those things that help me stay sane, happy and motivated. I think that this is why keeping up with your regular routine as much as possible is very important during stressful times.

When I get in that funk, it’s very easy to start blaming myself, or others for my problems. It’s very important that despite whatever it is that I'm going through, I forgive both myself and anyone else I might be blaming. I think that we all tend to be way too hard on ourselves, overanalyzing every situation that might have played out differently if we made a different decision, etc.

I guess like the takeaway from that podcast episode is that perfectly fine to not be okay. You’re allowed to change your mind, to take a break or leave a situation you don’t feel comfortable in. There’s no need to blame yourself for any of those things just like there’s no need to feel bad about… feeling bad.

We should all be allowed to fall apart sometimes so that we can find ourselves all over again. 


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