
Mini Book Review | The 5 Second Rule - Mel Robbins

By 靜涵 ♥ - November 22, 2021

Okay beautifuls. Just smashed some very strong coffee *issa great start to the day right!*
I am seriously overwhelmed with emotion as I am writing this because I loved [ The 5 second rule ] so much I had to share!
I've used the 5 Second Rule in my own life when I'm overthinking and just need to do the thing already. 
I've recommended it as a tool for friends who are paralyzed by indecision and want to stop second-guessing themselves.

But high fiving myself in the mirror?
I was more than a little skeptical that such a simple action could have any profound impact on my life.
But then I heard Mel explain the neuroscience and research behind the High 5 Habit on Lacy Phillips' podcast, To Be Magnetic, and I decided to give it a try.

Fundamentally, the 5 second rule is a count down and then you physically move (5,4,3,2,1 and MOVE)
It's kinda like when you count backwards after 1 and there is no place to go

If one habit could help me stop avoiding mirrors, or help me be kinder to my reflection when I'm getting ready in the mornings... If one habit could help me stop the automatic process of scrutinizing my face and cataloguing every perceived flaw even before I've had the chance to take a shower... 
It was worth trying.

I am a visual person
So when I use the rule I like to really think I am like a rocket and blast off from where I am
One biggest takeaway is that don’t wait to say something or find the perfect time to say something.  Sometimes we all, including myself wait for the “right” time to have a conversation or bring something up.  In reality is there ever a right time?! Don’t wait, have those talks now.

So every morning for the past week I've leaned into the bathroom mirror, made myself look into my own eyes and high-fived my reflection. 
When you've spent your entire life picking apart your appearance, it can feel emotional when your inner self senses relief may be on the way.
Also, Mel Robbins is right. The very act of doing things when I think of them, not when I feel like doing them.  This is something I am constantly working on.  It can be a hard one, but really makes a difference for me throughout the day.

Per Mel, it's using the science of neurobics to help break unhealthy, destructive patterns of behavior.
For me, the high five habit is like witnessing yourself coming to your own aid.
The effect has been so moving that I don't just do it in the mornings.
I find myself high-fiving my reflection several times a day.

You will find it hard AT FIRST no joke
Use the rule starting off small.
For instance, if you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, make a commitment that when your alarms goes off 
5 4 3 2 1 GET OUT OF BED
Creating trust with yourself and building your personal integrity. 
Holding yourself accountable and learning to trust yourself :) 

Not out of self-absorption or vanity, but because there's something that softens and breaks open when you're no longer available for doing battle with yourself.
Try it. Do it with intention. See what happens for you. 

I listed to the audio version of the book on Youtube and it is read by her.  You really feel like you are in a one on one mentoring session with her.  She can really relate and is fun to listen too.
But If you need a softcopy version, dm me on Twitter @jinghan_ljt

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