Bio Oil wants you to be confident with your own skin #makeyourmark with Bio-Oil
By 靜涵 ♥ - April 11, 2018
Could Bio Oil finally be the solution to my scars and uneven skin tone? Are you looking for something that can reduce your scars? In my next post, i'll do a product review for Bio Oil stay tuned!* Last month, Bio Oil Malaysia pays homage to Six Strong remarkable women of Malaysia who have made a difference in their respective niches while promoting positive body image, self-love and empowerment to all Malaysian women out there with its latest campaign called #makeyourmark
#makeyourmark is all about to realise that the society is increasingly developing an unhealthy and unrealistic perception of the perfect body that results in a lot of insecurities and negative body image, the #markyourmark campaign urges women to embrace their body as proof of the journey they have endured to become the women that they are today while striving to be better and better every day. It is all about empowering women to go for their dreams while being comfortable in their own skin. The #makeyourmark campaign is the first part of the #iamremarkable campaign which will run through the entire year of 2018
You will ask what is #iamremarkable again?
The #iamremarkable campaign aims to remind all women that every step towards greatness is an unforgettable journey. Each triumph joy, dissappointed, grief, laughter is etched in our memories and hearts and are what defines who we are. Most times, though, we find our journeys 'etched' in our skins as well; in the form of stretch marks, wrinkles, blemishes and scars. #iamremarkable urges women to embrace their journeys and uniqueness with Bio-Oil by their side, to take care of the marks on their skin; to never stop being the remarkable women they are.
These are the inspirational quotes from iconic women.
AAMAL FARHAIN, Managing Director of Foby Houz
Aamal Farhain
Foby Houz执行董事
Bio-Oil启发我积极进取,也让我忠于自己。看见身上的伤疤,心中难免感觉难受,但有了Bio-Oil,我变得好看多了,也令我重拾信心。千万别被疤痕打倒,无论它是有形的,抑或无形的。多年来所面对的种种阻难,让我学有所成,愈趋成熟,在应对挑战时显得更有信心。对自己要充满自信。身为女性,我们要学会拥抱与众不同的自己,在生命旅途中寻求胜利。”- Aamal Farhain
ELAINE DALY, Actor, TV host, National Director of Miss Universe Malaysia Organization, Channel Director of
Elaine Daly
演员、电视主持人、马来西亚环球小姐组织全国总监、 www.hurr.tv节目总监
兼顾家庭、职场等许许多多的事物,我忙得自顾不暇,幸好我知道,拥有Bio-Oil可为我减轻负担。我让它发挥作用,以天然油来好好照顾我的肌肤。除了焕新及滋养肌肤,我用它来涂抹肚皮,预防产生妊娠纹。它很滋润,而我特别喜欢它不粘腻的清爽感觉。” - Elaine Daly
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